Frequently asked questions

Common questions

Some of the land that we sell has titles.

70% of our land / plot offers don’t have titles because the land we offer on the market majorly falls in the customary land tenure system category. What comes with such land instead, are purchase agreements and other support documents that allow one to ably process a title on their own.

Processing a land title from scratch takes an average of 4-6 months depending on where one is processing it from in Uganda. The associated costs range from UGX 1.5 to 4m depending on nature, size and who is handling the process (surveyor, law firm, real estate agent) on your behalf.

No. Our operations are currently limited to Mbarara but we hope to spread our presence to other parts of Uganda in the next 2-3 years.

Yes, we do allow installment payments to anyone who is unable to pay up entire purchase price for a given plot of land at once.

We allow a maximum of 60 days (2 months) for one to pay up the balance due on his / her plot of land.

Some of the land we offer on the market has power and water on site while in other instances, such amenities are within a radius of 1-3km from the estates. Access roads across all our properties are at their best to allow for convenient and efficient navigation by anyone accessing such.

Our plots are located in different parts of Mbarara city (mainly) within a radius of 7-16km (from the city center) along major roads that lead one out of Mbarara.

The terrain is predominantly flatlands and hilly, with a wide network of roads that are routinely maintained to ease movement of people and goods.

Our plot sizes are 50ft by 100ft (the equivalent of 12.5 decimals).

We ensure that our land is free from wrangles through a carefully thought out due diligence process that’s aided by a team of legal advisors, surveyors, land specialists and responsible local authorities.

As a company, we don’t have standard development procedures that one must conform to. However, developments within the city are guided by set urban planning guidelines as a way of catering for organized neighborhoods that provide for uniformly acceptable spatial order.

We don’t process land titles as a company but given our experience in the business, we normally recommend competent individuals / entities that assist with such especially in Mbarara and Kampala. However, we feel that in 2022, we will be able to have title processing under our service mix as a way of providing for a one stop point where anyone can access variety services

First, it’s important to appreciate that as a company, our desire every day is to see people own land at the most affordable prices and unbeatable payment plan. However, in some instances, it never turns out the way we wish and for some people, unexpected occurrences take center stage, making it impossible for one to pay up to nil. In the event that one is unable to pay up and it necessitates a refund to allow for selling of land to those who can afford, we honor refunds less 20% of monies already paid.

No, using land comes with full ownership, which is only validated by effecting payments to Nil.

Mbarara is endowed with a mix of geographical and cultural diversity that’s provides a wider picture for business and investment opportunities. Places such as Kakoba, Ruharo, and Nyamitanga provide for investment opportunities tailored to meet the rapidly growing demand for residential properties such as rentals. Nyakisharara, Biharwe provide for suitable recreational facilities such as hotels, events venues among others. The city center and it’s immediate outskirts (within 1 km radius) still offers prime properties for upscale commercial properties such as shopping arcades, malls among others for a growing urban middle income class.
