For a long time, Amity Realtors had been involved in tree planting as a way of reflecting on how to contribute to a greener and healthier environment, reducing on climatic change effects.
But also aware that in the real estate realm, tree planting can add value to property that even if you wanted to sell it would be faster and more competitive. At Amity we have always supported tree planting projects, ,a reason that this time we also chose to partner with Rotary club of Mbarara to plant one million trees in primary Schools around Mbarara City.
Mr Herbert Tushabe, the Chief Executive at Amity Realtors, said this partnership will inculcate a culture of environmental protection among the young generation but, added they are also aware that trees make a huge difference to our environment, so much so that the importance of trees in real estate shouldn’t be understated
“We joined the partnership to raise pupil’s awareness about environmental conservation and effects of climate change. But also the trees we are planting in these schools include fruit trees that can improve nutrition for learners, “Mr Tushabe explained.
He added that these trees can also be a future investment for schools, and sell them in future to earn some income but also schools with boarding sections can, with time, harvest them for firewood.
Mr Tushabe added that apart from providing seedlings, they have experts who will be guiding schools on planting and caring for these trees.
Allan Musasire, the President elect of the Rotary Club of Mbarara, said the partnership is critical towards achieving their objective of tackling climate change and its effects.
“Our theme this year is tackling climate change and its effects. So that is why we are targeting planting one million trees in this partnership. We are working with Mbarara City Council and its education officer to identify schools where we will plant trees. Our target is one million trees but we may even exceed this number,” Mr Musasire revealed, before adding that he is sure that this partnership with Amity Realtors will leave a mark towards environmental protection and reversing climate change effects.
He added that to ensure the project succeeds, they will keep monitoring this project until the trees mature.
As we earlier told you, the importance of tree planting in the real estate sector cannot be underestimated. That is why, apart from this partnership, we have come up with other interventions to make sure to earn handsomely from investing in tree planting.
For example, there is no reason why you should keep your land idle when tree planting can be an opportunity to earn from it
At Amity we have arrangements and we can plant for you trees and manage them for your and you earn handsomely that keeping it vacant.
“If you land for example, 100 by 100 feet, an acre or more, we can plant trees for you. We can also sell you titled land already planted with trees at Shs 25 million. And if you have an acre of land, we can prepare and plant 1000 seedling of GU7 eucalyptus trees, which are quick maturing and of high quality at Shs 800,000 ,” explains Mr Tushabe.
He added that for each of these tree planting projects, you can use half of the money and clear the remaining balance in six month.
At Amity Realtors, we have experts in tree planting that can help you in acquiring land where to plant trees, designing management plan for your plantation, land preparation, getting good seedlings for plantation and maintenance.
Tree planting and products have high demand, especially with the rapid rate and scale of urbanisation. For example, there is high demand for timber for construction, and other products like electric poles.
For more details about these projects, visit at Kyosiga house, Markhan Singh Street in Mbarara City.